About Us

When you adopt a Puppy, you have shown your vote towards the responsible breeding of dogs in Australia!
The modern age of man and Dog has been transcending ever since our ancestors first sat down by the fire and shared a meal with a dingo or wolf. 
While the lifestyle and role of man’s best friend has certainly evolved over time, their significance in our human lives has always been and will remain one of fond comradely and companionship. Dogs are the silent heroes in the room, who tirelessly serve, love and play with us everyday, all the while teaching and helping us to develop those characteristics of truth, love and loyalty in their reflection. (After all, God is just Dog backwards! 🙂
We all love to have a dog or any beloved pet for that matter in our lives, but in a modern world of spacecraft and mega cities, where do fluffy puppies fit in? In our grandparents day, it was uncommon and certainly a luxury to have any kind of toy dog in the home, except say for a ratting terrier or small hound. To think that nowadays there are over 4.8 million dogs in Australian homes, and more than 100 different breeds and even more cross breeds; things have certainly come a long way!

The Puppy adoption was born out of a great love for small companions, and has continued to serve the Australian community for several family generations now uniting loving pets with their perfect homes. Our experienced tribe of animal lovers are here to promote the best care and future for all creatures, with a strong focus on quality family raised pets. We are dedicated to understanding the very nature of dogs, and have gone beyond to seek out the very best qualities that make up a modern family pet, and promote that in our bloodlines. Their is more to our dogs than meets the eye and we see their need to fulfil a role that is specialised in its own regard; to be a small, gentle ,healthy and loving companion for the whole family!

We are a Registered Breeder with approval from the NSW Local Government and licensed with Tenterfield Council. Distinctively, we specialise in developing high quality toy sized companions for loving homes only. We are also one of the few Fully Accredited Breeders with The Australian Association of Pet Dog Breeders. This means our vet approved kennels are independently audited each year to a strict code of compliance, and are constantly leading the way to improving animal welfare standards across the country. Our organisation sets the bar and helps the public make an informed choice when they choose to introduce a new puppy into their home. We want you to have a trouble free adoption and a lifelong bond with your new dog; and with over 29 years experience we are confident we provide this service to the community.
We welcome you to come and meet our dogs and see how we are reshaping the future of not only how dogs should be bred and raised, but also how we can all live a more sustainable reality for the generations to come. We are a holistic, organic community that is always growing and have created a unique and beautiful sanctuary in the Northern Rivers of NSW that enriches the lives of not just the people and animals here, but the environment and Earth too. All our beloved beings are supported by regular visits from The Mobile Vet Team, genetic testing by Orivet, a local veterinary nurse and a professional Dog Groomer. With the emphasis on healthy companion pets, all our pups receive a thorough veterinary examination prior to placement and are cleared of any genetic faults, inbreeding or hereditary diseases.

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